About Me

Hi, I’m Elise! To be brief, that means: do no harm, but take no sh*t. I’m a twenty-something baby lawyer in the dangerous business of doing good. Practicing law can be all-encompassing both mentally and physically. It’s no secret that people in any high-stress profession suffer burnout. For that reason, I have made the conscious decision to keep myself grounded to my core values and connected to beauty, spirituality, and nature. The most fulfilling and meaningful way to do this is walking through this world with wide-eyed wonder.

I’m here to show you how to surround yourself with things that breathe magic into daily living; that having a job and pursuing a profession shouldn’t mean a life lacking adventure; and that seeking beauty, focusing on joy, and connecting to nature are the surest ways to healing, building courage, and expanding your sense of community.

So what are my core values? If you read on, I think you’ll start to form a pretty clear picture of what I find most important. But for now, you will find me at the crossroads of gentle living and adventures, always.

And if you find yourself reading through this blog and asking yourself, “who is Matt?” allow me to make a formal introduction: Matt is my husband. He proposed to me in Paris, married me in Tennessee, and lives with me in Denver, Colorado. If I had to reduce him to a few qualities, I would tell you about his kindness, generosity, selflessness, and thoughtfulness. But you’ll find that out soon enough. Happy reading, happy traveling.

Photo: Lindsey Kent at Pictours Paris